plot of land

英 [plɒt ɒv lænd] 美 [plɑːt əv lænd]



  1. I thought that I'd buy myself a small plot of land and build a house on it
  2. The protests stem from a dispute over a plot of land in the Kashmir valley on which Hindus want to build shelters for pilgrims.
  3. Elizabeth calls her house and small plot of land by the water the Glebe House.
  4. The plot of land is no bigger than a garden patio but each element tree, rock, water, moss has been placed so thoughtfully that the space feels twice the size.
  5. Mr Bragg had a plot of land repossessed by Linden Lab after using some sneaky tactics to buy it cheaply: he exploited a software glitch to start an auction before other users were ready.
  6. The catch is that you can only reach your private island through the gateway of your personal computer, and the plot of land is composed entirely of pixels.
  7. Because they still have rights to a rural homestead and to farm a plot of land, many rural hukou-holders maintain a vital link with the countryside even after they move.
  8. The same plot of land was often sold several times, each time at a profit;
  9. The eco-city will be constructed over a30 square kilometer plot of land within the Tianjin Binhai New Area, developing a harmonious, livable and sustainable township.
  10. He sowed a plot of land with grass.
  11. He ploughed a plot of land and planted some vegetables.
  12. When Dadaab opened two decades ago, a family of five lived on a plot of land that was about the same area as a small house.
  13. By this time the two other men were measuring the plot of land surrounding the cottage.
  14. Many Chinese migrants have a plot of land to return to if the city does not work out, rather than having to fester in city slums.
  15. If the liability ratio of a plot of land is too high, we will not acquire it, even if it is a good plot of land.
  16. Given the restrictions of the chosen plot of land, as well as the required size, a square or rectangular building would have been too unwieldly.
  17. A good acre is a wonderful plot of land!
  18. In a backward and terribly overcrowded country such as china, where a plot of land often means the difference between life and death, these figures are of far greater significance than they would be in a land-rich country such as the United states.
  19. Until now, people who have worked in cities illegally have been able to return to their plot of land, which acted as a safety net.
  20. She bought a small plot of land to build a house on.
  21. They are looking for a good plot of land to grow potatoes.
  22. Within a week, they were offered a plot of land between two houses.
  23. We want to buy a plot of land to build a house.
  24. The plan was to buy a plot of land to build our own house on.
  25. Opposite Alsunut, on the Omdurman side, Saudi and Kuwaiti investors have bought a large plot of land on which they intend to build a huge financial centre.
  26. I'm looking for a plot of land near home where I could grow a few things like tomatoes and lettuce.
  27. A plot of land located at the southeast point of airport charges.
  28. We'll burn off that plot of land.
  29. Plot of land belonging to an English parish church or an ecclesiastical office.



  1. a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation
    1. a bean plot
    2. a cabbage patch
    3. a briar patch

    Synonym:    plotplot of groundpatch